We don’t intend to have spoiled kids. its just the day & age that lends itself so easily to that, you know? There are great deals on cool things that we know they will love. We love to see them smile so we give them things that will make them happy, not even realizing that we are turning them into ungrateful people – people that expect it. That’s Ok! Because today is the day that we start the UN-SPOILING!
Stop buying unnecessary things?
1、別再給你的孩子買無用的東西 Stop buying unnecessary things for your child.
Your child does not need them. While it is nice to buy them things and you feel like you are helping, you need to take a step back and ask yourself if you are teaching them that they can have whatever they want before you buy it, or ask yourself if they really do need it. (Plus, when you aren’t constantly buying them things, they will appreciate it more when you do.
Teach them to buy things?
2、教會他們為自己買東西 Teach them to buy things for themselves.
The value of hard work should never be overlooked. If your child wants something, tell them how much it costs and let them work hard to make that money. ?How wonderful they will feel when they can accomplish that on their own! ?They are so proud!?
Teach your child to give
3、教會你的孩子去給予 Teach your child to give.
A while back, I heard that you should get rid of one thing for every new thing that comes into the home. ?If your child gets a new toy, have them donate one to someone else (not a broken one or ?less-valuable one, but one that someone else will love.)?
Try cutting back on what you have
4、降低你的物質生活標準 Try cutting back on what you have.
First, you don’t need it all.?
Second, your child will be excited when he/she goes somewhere (church nursery or gym nursery or to a friend’s house) where there are new toys. ?You don’t need it at your house, too. ? Less is more. ?Your child may become overwhelmed with too many toys, just like we become overwhelmed with too much stuff.
Time matters more
5、時間更重要 TIME matters more.
Spend more time doing things with your child. You don’t need to “buy” things for them. Just spend time with them. If they act entitled or ungrateful, talk to them. Sit them down and explain it to them. Then follow through with a consequence. Do not ever use empty threats. I learned once that I would never use a huge threat like “If you keep acting this way, we aren’t going to Disney this summer!” Because I would never follow through with that.?